Need to run the container once without any volume mounts to let it create & initialize the DB file.
in the container: it makes life easierAfter copying the DB file out of the container, make sure to chmod a+x
it on the host filesystem! Otherwise the container will start with a the following error:
2024-02-21T06:21:05.928Z [MASTER] error: Database Initialization Error: update `migrations_lock` set `is_locked` = 1 where `is_locked` = 0 - SQLITE_READONLY: attempt to write a readonly database
Cloudflare R2 works perfectly well as an S3-compatible storage option
Unfortunately, this (and other alternatives) cannot be the primary storage option: this must still be in a local DB of a chosen type. Wiki.js stores configuration of storage choices in the DB, so effectively the DB is extended configuration if anything.
You can (it seems) disable local storage entirely and just use R2/S3/etc., but the local DB must persist for the aforementioned configuration.